Design & Art blog

Moscow Russia

In 2010 I traveled to Moscow, Russia for a few days all by myself. It was a pretty cool experience and something I’d love to repeat. Actually there are even a few more places I want to visit in Russia. Whenever I was in Moscow, it was pretty hard to get through the city with English, German and Spanish. French worked a little better but also not very good either. I heard that nowadays it is much easier there with English and that you have many signs in English as well when taking the Metro and in the city center in general. Well, when I was there it wasn’t like that yet so I guess once I travel there again, it will be easier to navigate myself through the city. Oh and at that time we didn’t have mobile internet on our phones either, so yea these days it certainly is much much easier to find my way through any foreign city.

I found Moscow quite exotic since it is so different from all the other places I visited before. Exotic but still so close to Germany but a completely different world. That fascinated me. Oh, and I ate delicious sushi in Moscow. The best sushi I ever ate apart from sushi in Japan and Hawaii.

Moscow Russia // Phylleli Design Studio and Blog

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