Design & Art blog

Summer...and living is easy

Summer...and living is easy

Summer became my favourite season ever since I moved to Spain a few years ago. Now I am really happy that we have Summer but this morning I woke up dreaming about the ocean and palm trees. If you follow along for a while, you know how much I love the ocean, palm trees, seafood and fish, fresh tropical fruit. All of these things bring me pure joy and happiness! So I decided to create a little minimal illustration with palm trees, the ocean and the sun. 

summer....and living is easy (phylleli) #design #graphicdesign #typography #lineart #minimalism #summer #summervibes #designblog

I plan to travel to Corsica and Barcelona in Fall. Hopefully this is going to work out, I am ready to see the ocean again for sure! Even though I really enjoy spending Summer in Germany, whenever the weather is good in Summer, Germany is a beautiful place for sure. But my plan is to spend the Winters somewhere South in the future. 

It seems like Summer is taking a short break today here, at least sunshine-wise. It is hot and humid like in the tropics but the sky is covered grey and there is no sunshine at all. Our plan to go swimming has been canceled so far and I still hope the sky clears up during the day that our plan to go to the biergarten later on works out at least. 

Oh you know this beautiful song summertime by Mahalia Jackson?! Actually while drawing this graphic, I had this song on my mind. 

Pappardelle // The Logo Series

Pappardelle // The Logo Series

Summer Break

Summer Break