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Cárcelona // Branding

Cárcelona is a bit of a wordplay and an inside joke among us expats in Barcelona that we used to joke around with all the time when I was still living in BCN. Cárcel is the Spanish word for prison and yes the city got it’s nickname for a reason; most people come and want to stay for a few months but in the end they get all caught up in the Barcelona craziness and stay forever even though they never intended to. And believe me, if you really leave like I did, people are amazed and tell you ‘nah, you won’t stay long in the real world, you are coming back to this crazy place soon!’ and yea that also happens.

In my case, I am still back in Germany but who knows, maybe I also move back at a certain point because as crazy as living there is, we also had tons of fun and I was pretty happy living there. It was the first time in my life that I overcame my severe depression, that I really started to live and to enjoy life and it was also the first time that I developed a healthy appetite and pretty much left my past of disordered eating behind. So, how awesome is that?! When I was living there circumstances weren’t good but I can imagine to live there again when I am not forced to work in the corporate world like I was when I lived there a few years ago, but I can totally imagine to run my design studio from a light flooded apartment near the beach that I call my home and studio then. With enough money you can live well pretty much everywhere but that was my problem at that time, I had not enough money, so if I eve move there again money won’t be an issue at least.