Design & Art blog

If it lowers your vibrations, it is not for you

“If it lowers your vibrations, it is not for you” - please let that one sink in. Everything that pulls you down, makes you feel bad about yourself or doubt yourself, everything that does not lift your spirit is not for you. No matter if it comes to people, jobs, situations - we don’t want to experience anything that holds us back from living up to our full potential, that prevents us from being happy and being the best version of ourselves. Do you agree with me?

We want to make this precious life we have being the BEST life we have and that only works if we keep our vibes high. This keeping your vibrations high concept is something that I just came across in the past 6-9 months I would say, I was not aware of it before. Even though it is nothing complicated but I was just not consciouslly realising it before, internally feeling it yes but never verbalising it until I dove deep into it and started reading lots about it. Now I focus everything on living in a high vibe state, surrounding myself with high vibe people, experiencing high vibe situations. To put it simple and to make it sound less hocus pocus like, I just try to be happy and create joy and happiness enjoying the little and the big things in life, being grateful for what I have every day and visualising all the things I want to achieve. And let’s face it, this concept and way of living does wonders for me. Life is beautiful if you give life the chance to be beautiful and to bring you joy and pleasure. And if I can do it, as a person who was suffering from depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, then my friend iIam sure you can do it as well. I support you, I root for you and please give yourself so much self-love, kindness and respect not not accept anything mediocre and to surround yourself with people and situations that keep your vibes high.

Lots of love,


if it lowers your vibrations, it is not for you // phylleli design studio and blog

Workbook Cover for the 5 Day Awakening Manifesting Course by Shakira Maria

Workbook Cover for the 5 Day Awakening Manifesting Course by Shakira Maria

