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Turning 37

I am turning 37 today! I can’t believe how fast the past year went by. Last year my birthday was pretty depressing, January was depressing and more or less a depressing year followed. I am hoping for better things to come this year. Things have changed for sure, I stopped working for people who drain my energy, I am not anymore in a relationship with a man who drained my energy and also I got rid of many toxic friendships that I used to maintain just for the sake of people pleasing and not offending or hurting anyone. I made new friends, better friends…very few of them but like my friend X from Uruguay said, a hand full of friends make the best friends and she is absolutely right.

So I am 37 today but truth is I still feel like 27 and people keep telling me that I look like I am 27, I hope it will stay that way for a while still. I am still surprised how fast time went by since Summer which was not a good Summer for me. I am trying to focus on my goals, to work on my mindset and to make things happen slowly and steadily.

I ordered shipping tubes for the shop, so that was my first step to get started. With those tubes I can send out all the art prints that you can order soon. Next step is to work on the branding, to order more test prints, to create mock-ups with my collages and illustrations and then to finally set up the shop in Shopify, to integrate it into my website and then to launch. Wow just thinking of that gets me excited even though I realised how much fear and anxiety I feel but that is certainly something to work on, to let go of all the fear and anxiety in order to be happier, healthier and to achieve everything I want to achieve. My main gaol is that when I turn 38 that my shop is successful and that I live in sunny Spain again. So I have one year now to make things happen and I think one year should be enough time to get there as long as I don’t sabotage myself and don’t let fear and anxiety take over my core desires and wishes.

May this be a year filled with good health, success, abundance and love. May all of that come true that had been lacking in 2019. I now give myself permission to be happy and to live the life I have always dreamt of. I often wonder why I am not there yet but probably the answer is fear because that is what holds us back. We hold ourselves back and not anyone else, maybe that is important to notice. We don’t need to ask for permission from anyone than ourselves to be happy and to use our potential and to maximise all the things that are possible if we only allow it to ourselves. I think there is a lack of self-love if we keep holding ourselves back even though we have the potential to reach everything we ever desired and desire. When there is self-love without limitations then we can overcome all the self-imposed limitations. So here I promise to myself today that I won’t put any limitations on myself anymore. I can create the most awesome life that I want instead of just living the mediocre life that pretty much everyone thinks of ‘hey that is just how it is and how we are supposed to live’. No, there is more, I know it and I will go for it. Please join me in leaving your fears and anxiety behind and maxing out your full potential. We deserve it, we are worth it.