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Reflections 2020

Every year in December I like to reflect on the year that just has passed by. So, I also wanna do the same thing with the current year. I know that 2020 has been a very difficult year for many people due to the Corona outbreak and living with the pandemic. Of course this is a difficult situation.

But nevertheless I have to say that 2020 was a pretty good year for me. Work-wise things have been going extremely well for me, thankfully I could continue working just as I did before and I was not suffering from the economical crisis caused by the outbreak.

Also on a personal level things have been going very well for me. I started taking much better care of myself, I redefined my goals, I started taking online-courses that I was interested in for a very long time already so I am still working through them learning new skills and improving my mindset. As much as the Corona situation sucks, it gave me a chance to calm down and und unwind and I am a lot more relaxed and calm now than I was before the lockdown.

I decluttered and reorganised my home after reading Marie Kondo’s book and ever since that I enjoy my home a lot more than I ever did before. And that is also something that brings me lots of joy and happiness.

I made new friends this year mainly through my work and that is also something wonderful.

Happiness is a journey and I feel that I have done more this year for my individual happiness than I did in the years before. Also I learned to set better boundaries and to say no more often whenever something or someone made me feel uncomfortable. Of course I still struggle here sometimes but I already came much further this year than I ever did before.

Do you reflect on the end of the year and how does your conclusion of 2020 look like? Do you feel similar about it as I do? Feel free to share your thoughts with me!

Wishing you all a happy new year!

XX, Phyllis