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The Wellness Edition No.69 // Calming Down

Lately many things in this world are going on that are quite concerning. But I decided to use my blog only for whatever brings me joy, happiness and easiness so I don’t want to vent about things I cannot change nor influence. So I wanted to use this post of ‘The Wellness Edition’ as a gentle reminder to stay calm, especially in crazy and wild times.

We can only feel good about ourselves when we are feeling calm and peaceful - otherwise when we are anxious and nervous, we are completely out of balance within ourselves and this will also have an impact on other people, the decisions we make and so on. Therefore it is super important to try to find peace within ourselves because going crazy and losing our nerves is not going to help anyone, no - the result will be quite the opposite.

I especially have to remind myself to calm down and to stay calm, thyroid issues have been with me all my life and it is needless to say that hormonal imbalances and thyroid disease can create lots of feelings around panic, fear and anxiety so those feelings had been very intense all my life and lately i get a lot better in dealing with them at least.

I feel that our society is lately led by fear due to the Corona outbreak and other things but panic and being hysterical won’t make any situation better, that is for sure. What helps me to stay calm is listening to Podcasts, reading (yes reading but not reading the news - reading blogs and books instead), being creative, spending time with good friends, tidying up and cleaning, taking a long walk outside…those are things that do wonders to calm me down for example and I think each one of us needs to do something right now that helps us to find peace within ourselves and to calm down in order to feel well despite the crazy times we are currently facing.