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In any given moment we can choose...

Today I decided to go for an inspirational quote that really resonates with me. Through our thinking we can certainly influence our feelings and have a big impact on how we want to feel in order to feel well. Remember, it is all in your head and on your mind - everything that keeps you up at night, that worries you, it is all on your mind. It is not really there and as soon as you truly understand this, you have the power to change it and to develop a mindset of joy instead one of fear.

And let’s be honest, it is always way better and more efficient to be led by joy and love instead of fear. I am currently reading ‘A Course In Miracles’ which is all about shifting our perception from fear to love and joy.

This quote by Gabby Bernstein is tremendously helpful whenever feeling stuck or anxious, just think about this quote and try to shift your perception to something that gets you excited and removes the fear and anxiety from your mind and replaces it with feelings that actually bring you joy and make you look forward to the future.

