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Lockdown Blues

Yes, lockdown blues it is. No matter to who I talk to, everyone feels the same way. There is like a collective bad mood lately due to the circumstances and that no one knows when things will finally get better. Most of my friends who are homeschooling their kids at home while working, feel like they are going crazy. And also he rest of us without kids, well we are also hanging in there, being in a not so good mood and wondering when things will finally return to normal, hoping this won’t be the ‘new normal’ for the next few years.

I try to make the best of my time spent at home. I try working on my personal projects, I try to work out at home doing either yoga or barre workout (it does wonders in improving your not so good mood, believe me) and now I committed to a new routine of walking at least 30 minutes per day which also does the trick to make me feel better, some fresh air and a change in scenery is super beneficial for feeling better. Oh, and of course the highlight of the day is going to the supermarket or to to the bakery, this is as exiting as it can get these days. Or also big excitement is meeting friends or family for once, yes - this does not happen very often. Sometimes my friends and I even meet up on Zoom to have some wine online together on a weekend. Ha, who would have expected this about a year ago. I certainly did not.

Anyways, this morning I decided to fight my bad mood with 15 minutes of barre workout followed by scanning dried flowers that I got for my birthday from a friend (they were looking fresh and great for at least 3 weeks and even dry they are still gorgeous). And yes, while scanning those flowers and working on them in Photoshop I felt quite happy, so creating beauty did the trick at least. So, creating as much beauty as I can now should probably be my goal since it is bringing me and hopefully also others at least some joy.

The other highlight of the day was having my friend and her baby over for lunch and then afterwards walking approximately 6 km to my other friend’s home in order to teach her kid. So wow, I had a very social day today and yes it felt good. But still, I feel the lockdown blues since most days are not nearly as social as today was.