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The Wellness Edition No. 14 - "Where focus goes energy flows"

It is all about staying focused, right? You know you are heading into the right direction whenever you don't lose your focus and instead concentrate on a certain goal. These goals are different for each one of us but I am sure we can all relate to goal-setting as long as we have set goals for ourselves. I think goal-setting and staying focused is very important for being well. If you lose sight of goals, you will be stagnating in life. You will stay at a certain point without further self-development. Maybe not everyone sees it that way but that here is just my honest opinion. 

Think back! When you were still in school, it was your biggest goal to finish school. Back in university the goal was to graduate. When you are working in a corporate firm your goal most probably is to gain experience and then take on jobs that require more responsibility or tasks that give you the chance to learn more and to further develop your skillset.

One of the reasons why I left the corporate world was, that I had the feeling chances are low for moving forward and to work in jobs that match my skillset and interests. I felt stagnation in every job I worked in, so that was one reason for me to quit besides many others. 

Stagnation is one of the things that makes me feel very uncomfortable and I assume I am not the only one feeling that way. People who feel stuck in a situation they are not happy with and have no idea how to change it experience stagnation and they are often the ones being unhappy and unbalanced. No judgment here from my side but I think we should try to live a life that makes us feel well and goal-setting and staying focused is a major part that does the trick for more happiness and motivation and to prevent us from stagnation. 

'Where focus goes your energy flows'. I think there is a lot of truth in these words. As long as you are focused, you can put all your energy into it. And if you are focused and you are lucky, being focused even is that one thing that energises you - because you exactly know why you are doing what you are doing. The big why behind things is so important.

If you work in a job that sucks the life out of you, you have no why that will motivate you - well the only why is the money because we all have to pay our rent, bills, groceries and so on. But this is not enough of a 'Why'. The why that motivates you and helps you to stay focused is the one that comes within is a deep desire in your soul to do something that you are longing for. And it is something that evolves and can change, depending on your current state where you are in life. Your reasons change but as long as they motivate you to change your circumstances, they are helpful. For example if your goal is moving abroad, you will put all your energy into making it possible.

We need goals that motivate us and help us to develop our personalities further and therefore goal-setting and focusing is so important. Ask yourself what you want, what your major goal is, why you have that goal and how you can get there. Then write down a plan how to make it possible and you will see that it does wonders to your wellbeing. 

So, take a paper and a pen, think about your focus and start writing! 

You ever felt stuck and found a way to get out it though new goal-setting and focusing on these goals? Share your thoughts and experiences with me.