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The Wellness Edition No. 16 - The Power of Cleaning And Decluttering

Finally, another 'The Wellness Edition' is online after such a long and unwanted break. I mentioned before that I did a big round of decluttering when I moved back into my apartment in May after my ex-boyfriend broke up with me totally out of the blue. The next logical step after decluttering for me was cleaning and I can tell you it had a very therapeutical effect. After the whole cleanse I felt so good and happy in my apartment like I never had before.

I have to admit that in the past I was not the person who was fond of tidying up and cleaning, even though I always loved a fresh, airy and clean space, but as life is often I was just very depressed and feeling unwell which pretty much did not leave me much energy for anything. Thankfully times have changed and now a clean place is my top notch priority - especially if you work from home like I do, you have to make sure, you have a work environment that does not distract you from focusing on your work because it is a mess or because it is dirty. Who needs that? Not me! 

Finally I get all the hype around 'Spring Cleanses' even though I think it is much easier to clean a little bit each day or every few days that it does not even add up that you need an extra 'Spring Cleanse'. So if you are currently going through a rough time and want to do something just for you, something that makes you feel better at your place, my recommendation is that you start decluttering your place and then go on a cleaning spree. I promise you, you will love the way your home feels afterwards. Don't believe me? Just do it and let me know afterwards if it had a therapeutical effect on you as well. 

Unfortunately many people tend to hang on to clutter. Not just clutter in the physical sense of horting stuff in your home that you never ever need or use again anyways, but also emotional clutter, like hanging on to friendships that got toxic or life goals that no longer serve you any longer or you hang on to hobbies you have actually outgrown for quite some time already. So if you want to make your home prettier and get rid of useless stuff and go on a cleaning spree, you could also do the same thing for your emotional wellbeing through asking yourself what kind of activities and people still make you happy and where you see this is no longer giving you what it used to do. Declutter, clean, re-evaluate your current emotional state and in case you notice something is no longer serving you joy or happiness then think about a change.

I have outgrown many friendships lately and even ended a very toxic friendship just last week but this is I keep for another post that will follow soon.

Today I just want to encourage you to declutter your home and eventually even your life! Make sure you create a peaceful clean home and state of mind that inspire you instead of being stuck in a home and situations that only steal your energy instead of bringing you joy and happiness. 

Have you ever gone through a decluttering and cleaning spree and how did it make you feel afterwards? Please share with me your experiences and thoughts about it. 

Sending you love! xx, Phyllis