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Winter Solstice 2019

I am excited that today is the shortest day of the year which means that from tomorrow on we will get more sunlight every day. I really hate the darkness in Winter, I don’t mind the cold but the lack of light and sunshine makes me feel really bad most of the days. So after today we finally get more light again and this makes me incredibly happy! Therefore 21 December is always a magical date for me. Also I can’t believe how fast time went by and that it is almost the end of the year now. How much has changed in the past 6 months, there is a lot of truth in the saying that a lot can happen in a year.

So, 21 December marks our shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere and and 21 June marks the longest day for us here in Europe. On 21 June I always get a bit sad that days are getting shorter and that Winter is approaching but 21 December always gives me hope again that the dark and cold season is about to end and that longer and sunnier days are waiting for us. I have been eagerly waiting for 21 December again this Winter and here it is today.