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The question of what you want to own, is actually the question of how you want to live your life - Marie Kondo

This weekend I have been very obsessed with reading the first book of Marie Kondo called ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying’. I had been an avid fan of decluttering in the past few years already and now after having almost finished the book, I realise that my way of discarding intuitively has been pretty much the KonMari method but since clutter kept on coming back and accumulating again, I apparently did not declutter everything I should have discarded or it was just new places came up to accumulate clutter (new furniture for example).

If you have been following this blog for a while, you probably know that I am a big fan of decluttering, ruthless discarding and so on because in the past few years I realised, that the less clutter surrounds me the clearer my mind is and the more energetic I feel. So this one is big.

I have to admit, I felt pretty confident lately in my home after the last Spring Clean but lately I realised that more clutter started accumulating again and also paralysing me again (that is what clutter and or dirt does to me) so maybe that was my main motivation to pick up Marie Kondo’s book. Or maybe as also with other people, I was not ready before to do this lesson. ‘The teacher appears once the student is ready’ or something similar is stated in ‘A Course In Miracles’ if I remember that right and I could not agree more to that. Also, I only started reading Gabby Bernstein once I felt ‘ready for it’ - even though 2 or 3 years before I already bought one or two of her books but just did not feel like reading it. Yes, it was the same with Marie Kondo’s book. I bought it many years ago, started reading it and stopped…apparently because I was not ready for it yet at that time. But well, now I am…more than ever.

And I agree with her, removing everything that is not needed nor bringing you joy is key to get you to where you want to be. Discarding, decluttering, tidying and cleaning clears energetic fields and as soon as we get rid of anything that does not serve us anymore, we can move on to better things in life…I totally believe it and I am so eager these days to remove all the clutter / blame, / guilt and so on that does not serve me any longer in order to move on to better things. Today I discarded two big bin bags rather spontaneously while reading the book but oh boy, it felt so good and now I feel the urge to go through the whole apartment discarding and organising storage options with what I have on hand here.

I feel that I can only finalise all the projects that have been on my mind for such a long time already, once I did a big round of decluttering, forgiving and letting go of the past. Before it is not going to work unfortunately so I now put the focus on that and once everything is virtually and spiritually cleared, I will feel more energetic again and then also get more productive in consequence.

So, I am excited about my KonMari journey! Maybe I also got so inspired to get into this since my love for Japan lately got sparked again and after my bento boxing enthusiasm apparently KonMari is the next one. But hey, all of that is great because it really improves the quality of my life a whole lot and let’s be frank, that is what we all want, to improve our life, the quality of our lives and the circumstances we live in. And living clutter free and eating nourishing food packed in sweet little boxes when we are on the go certainly makes life a lot better and prettier already.

So, I hope you chime in and enjoy your round of discarding and just keeping what sparks joy and makes you feel happy.

Lots of love,
