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The Wellness Edition No.74 // Done is better than perfect

Perfectionism is a very unachievable and therefore it is a great ‘tool’ of self-sabotage. Back in the days I tended to do nothing instead of just ‘doing it wrong’ or ‘not good enough’ - you can imagine how far that brings you in life. Yes, if you answered with nowhere, then you certainly figured out the correct answer.

I was totally paralysed by the high expectations and my fear to fail since I always wanted to ‘get it perfect’, so now I roll with the motto ‘Progress is better than perfection’ and to that one I now wanna add ‘Done is better than perfect’ because this hopefully now helps to me get started and to get going…

Truth is, my personal to-do list is very long and I have not even started to work on the things I want to work on (hello, like creating awesome digital products and design resources) - but hey, at least I get something done for the blog. Also here, I first wanted to start a blog in 2012 or 2013 but I never got started because I was too afraid of failing, not brave enough to speak out my mind publicly and so on. I am happy I started this blog and I guess I will say the same after I have launched digital products for sale on Etsy and later on on my website.

The factor time is a bit of an issue but probably only because I don’t plan as smart yet as I could. When I work a lot (yes, as a freelancer work keeps you busy), then I often feel tired and not energetic enough to get the creative juices flowing. I might have to change my attitude here and set new goals for making the best out of my free time in order that it serves me to reach my entrepreneur and business goals. It is just a matter of planning and time-management and I am very well organised and self-disciplined, so making a schedule for digital product creation and blogging work, should be a piece of cake. I just have to do it!

So, from now on ‘done is better than perfect’ and I will use my weekends to create, design and to market! Take my word and see it happen soon!

