Design & Art blog

2021 // A New Year

Today is the 1st of January 2021. Can you believe it? It is January!!! I am still amazed about how fast 2020 flew by. Do you belong to the people making resolutions for the new year? I can tell you that I am not one of them. I write down my goals / resolutions almost every day and then I try to stick to them and to work on them one after another until I am where I want to be.

So yesterday the New Year’s Eve celebration was a bit different than it normally is due to us being on lockdown. Cheese fondue with my best friend and instead of standing on the street at midnight, it was the balcony. In Germany fireworks are a big thing on New Year’s Eve but due to Corona it was forbidden but apparently people still found some old fireworks somewhere in their basement or they went to France or somewhere else to buy them there.

Well, we counted - it was fireworks for 12 minutes after midnight and we said ‘hey hopefully we are not entering a period that can be called the boring 20ies (yes, referring to last century’s roaring 20ies) due to Corona and all the restrictions we are currently living with. It was the strangest New Year’s Eve ever we said in the end and especially since it did not feel like New Year’s Eve at all. It felt like a boring Sunday night.

Normally there is something glamorous about New Year’s Eve I’d say but this was not felt at all. I have to admit, I stopped going out for New Year’s Eve parties at least a decade ago or so and prefer to spend it at home with friends and home-cooked food but still there is something glamorous about the last night of the year. Even though I normally don’t go out, theoretically I still could if I wanted but no chance ATM.

So, let’s hope that the boring 20ies ain’t gonna happen and were just a product of our imagination and that going out, having a party with lots of friends, traveling the world and all of those wonderful things will be possible again soon. I truly have to admit that I miss it!

I am wishing you a great start to the new year and I hope that many great things are on their way for us.



Hello 2021 #illustration #art #design #graphicdesign #phylleli #designblog #selfdevelopmentblog

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