Design & Art blog

The Freelance Issue No. 19 // The Power of Networking

The Freelance Issue No. 19 // The Power of Networking

Networking…this is such an important topic for us freelancers. Because let’s face it, we have to deal with so much stuff that all the peeps in the world of employees are not even aware of. And truth is all of this is much more fun whenever you know you are not going through this alone.

I met so many incredible and inspiring women ever since I started my blog and went freelance. This little international network I have now is truly amazing. We are in touch most of the days, we support each other, we talk about our struggles, we inspire each other. This makes me incredibly happy and I am so glad I dared to become a freelancer and blogger who now is part of this meaningful online community. I also hope that we can all meet up as well at a certain point but I am sure this is going to happen.

I used to be part of networking groups on Facebook but I realised that I actually prefer my own mini-network that just happened by chance, mostly via instagram and following each others blogs. Basically that is how it all started for me. It is more personal, it is not an official networking thing and it is just super cool.

So today I want to introduce you to the awesome ladies who I define as my little tribe of creative women in the freelancing sphere.

Let’s start with Corina Nika from Greece, without her I would have never dared to start my blog and to get back into design. We actually just started being in contact quite a while after I quit my old job and got into blogging and design and all I can say is that she is a super sweet soul who always inspires and supports me. I have been following her blog and work for sometime before I dared to take the leap to get into design and blogging as well, I thought if she made it I can also make it. All I have to do is to start and to be brave and that is what I did. Last night we had a conversation where she said she misses blogging since she has not much time for it anymore these days and I said that she passed on something beautiful to me that I continue now which is taking the time, love and dedication for blogging. That it is a circle of love and good energies that I now continue for her and where she is a big part of because without her this would have never happened.

Another wonderful friend I met because of blogging and designing is Alejandra Abouhamad from Spain. She is a super sweet soul and we support each other as much as we can with everything. We are manifesting ninjas and accountability buddies always reminding each other of where we want to go to and how to go there. Hopefully we can meet up next year somewhere nice to explore. We have plans and we will make them happen soon.

Then I also got to know two awesome ladies located in Germany. We also plan a meet-up in person here in Germany soon and hopefully this is going to happen soon. We certainly have the advantage of being located in the same country which makes it easier to meet up and another bonus is that we also don’t live very far from each other. I think this will be the first network meeting that is going to happen. Right here in Germany and I can’t wait to spend time with Kara and Eva soon. Eva is a jewelry designer and we got in touch recently and I am always happy to talk to her. Our gathering should happen soon, this year it is gonna happen and I am super excited about it. My friend Kara is originally from Poland but also lives in Germany. Actually very close, in Heidelberg and we have been in touch ever since I started blogging.

I also love talking to Frankie who is based in Australia but is originally from Germany. She also is a graphic designer and we met through instagram and talk on a regular basis. We actually met because we share a similar taste in design and aesthetics and that is how we met.

Thank you instagram for meeting all these awesome women. I think that is where I met all of them. So you see, you don’t need a big network - just need one of like-minded good souls who work for the same cause as you and then you connect and all is good. We are a mini network sharing tons of love, support, inspiration and that is nothing I had even imagined before entering the world of freelancing and blogging and it is just wonderful and so rewarding.

As you can see, you don’t need a big network but just one of good and like-minded people. You want to become part of our tribe and network with us as well? I am happy to hear from you! Just shoot me an eMail or get in touch with me on Instagram and then we do this together.

The Freelance Issue No. 19 // The Power of Networking (Phylleli Design Studio and Blog)

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