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The Freelance Issue No. 10 // Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do

The Freelance Issue No. 10 // Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do

All of us have dreams. Some people dream really big, others dream quite small. I doubt that there are people who have no dreams at all. But dreams keep on staying dreams if you don't approach them and actively think about a strategy how to turn your dreams into reality. Making your dreams become true usually is a lot of hard work and effort. Therefore the majority of folks just continue to dream on because they either haven't figured out yet how to make things happen, or they just lack motivation to work for it or they lack energy. There is nothing bad about it, I know it really takes time to figure out what you want from your life and what not. Some people figure it out faster, others need a little longer. I'd say I'm in the group of the latter, even though I knew quite early what I wanted to do with my life, I just never had the guts to go there and to start working for it. So if that is you as well, don't worry, you will get there as long as you stick to it and then one day decide to finally do all the hard work to make it happen. 

"Dreams don't work unless you do" is a really good quote in my opinion because there is so much truth in it. Let's look at a very easy example to illustrate it, if it is your dream to travel the world, you have to do quite a lot to get there. First you think about the countries you want to visit, how long you want to travel in general and then comes the big question how much this whole trip around the world is gonna cost you. Let's assume you decide to travel to Asia and Australia and spend about 6 months traveling. So now you have to estimate how much the whole trip is going to cost you and what your next steps are. You already have enough money saved? Perfect. If not and your current job doesn't pay you well enough to save for this trip, consider getting a second job for a while. If you have your own apartment, think about what are you going to do with it while you are gone. Leave it for good and then trying to find a new place once you return? Might be an option but probably too much of an hassle, so probably better just to rent it out to someone else for the six months that you will be gone. And once you have saved enough money, done all the research about the countries you want to visit, organised all the visas needed, rented out your place to someone else - now you can finally pack your things and board that flight for your newest traveling adventure. 

TFI No. 10 // Dreams don't work unless you do #graphicdesign #design #illustration #typography #designblog

Ok, so this was just a very simple example to illustrate what I mean. I chose traveling because I have always traveled a lot and know quite well that you have to do all the work before you can eventually start traveling. And I also chose it because I know that for many people it is a big dream just to leave their normal life to go traveling for a while. What I want to say is that it is possible, but you have to be willing to sacrifice maybe comfort and financial freedom for sometime before you can make your dream of traveling the world happen. Same goes for other dreams, usually we have to put lots of work and effort into them, otherwise they stay well just dreams. 

A dream is a thing that is stuck in your brain and heart, one you have all for yourself, people usually have no clue what you dream about unless you tell them and share your dreams with them. But as soon as you actively start approaching your dreams and working for them really hard, your friends and family will start to notice it as well because you are always busy and probably have less time for the people than you had before - well because you are busy working to make your dreams come true. 

Some people talk about their dreams because it motivates them to work for them and to make it happen, others don't talk about them at all because they are scared things will never work out when they talk about it. I used to be the latter one as well here but then I just decided to get started. Now I think that if you even fear talking about your goals and dreams with others, your biggest fear is failure and not achieving the things you are dreaming of, therefore you don't even want to talk about it. These are my two cents here speaking from my experience. Now I openly say what my dreams are and then I actively start working. 

You have any dreams, big or small?! If so, please let me know, I love hearing what is moving your heart and soul. 

be a voice not an echo

be a voice not an echo

The Freelance Issue No. 9 // Focus On Yourself

The Freelance Issue No. 9 // Focus On Yourself