Design & Art blog

The Freelance Issue No. 16 //I can create everything that I visualise

The Freelance Issue No. 16 //I can create everything that I visualise

I believe in the power of mindshifting and good affirmations. I believe that we influence the cells in our body that way through letting them feel that we are open for good things coming up for us. The more often I repeat that I can create everything that I visualise, the more likely this is going to happen. And this goes for everything in life; let it be workwise, lovewise, it goes for all apsects.

I can create everything that I visualise // Phylleli (Design Studio, Self-Care Blog)

Over are the days when I was a prisoner of my fears, anxiety and self-doubt. Now I believe that good things will happen and all my dreams, goals and wishes turn into reality as long as I am open to receive them and set a good environment for it to happen.

Lately I am loving the work of the Australian husband & wife team Jaynie and Nathan at Blacklist Studio and their motto is “by dreamers for dreamers” and if you know me by now, you can imagine how stoked I am by this powerful phrase. I think I discovered their work on Instagram and loved the collage work right away, if you follow along for a while you know that I am an avid collage maker as well. I need a big studio/atelier and then I can create huge physical collages as well like Nathan from Blacklist Studio does.

So, I think the spirit of affirmations and manifesting bring a big shiift in your perception, emotions and then of course all your actions and thoughs are proactively influenced by this.

I see myself in an airy apartment filled with lots of natural light and wooden floors, white furniture, wicker chairs and baskets, sheep furs - an apartment where I have a big room that serves as a studio where I can design, create physical collages on a huge canvas, paint, write my book, create jewelry and fashion for my online-shop and spill my ink and paint all over the place! Ha, somehow I feel this place is going to be somewhere in the Mediterranean wheere I am surrounded by the ocean, palm trees, good fruit and seafood. It is a vision in my head that I carry along for a while now.

Visualising a bright future is important. It is food for the heart and soul and you are challenged to be creative and daring. And as we all know my friends, nothing grows from comfort zones so it is important to take the leap and to becoome proactive.

Have a fab start of the new week. XX, Phyllis

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