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The Wellness Edition No. 44 // The Comfort Zone

The Wellness Edition No. 44 // The Comfort Zone

Let’s talk about comfort zones today! It has been quite a topic this weekend so I thought it is once again time to take a closer look at it. We all live in our own personal bubble of safety, convenience and also partly laziness. Some things are good, others aren’t but truth is that most people prefer staying in this tiny bubble instead of getting proactive and improving their situation or their life in general.

Why? Because changes mean that you have to do some work. Also inner work like facing your personal struggles and issues, making drastic changes in your life, cutting certain people off, moving to another place, quitting your job, breaking up with your spouse or partner, investing money, learning new skills, getting a new circle of friends…you get an idea. You are the one who has to start this process and starting a process like this is scary to most people and some are also just too lazy or full of fear of new beginnings.

I admit it, I stay in my comfort zone for sometime and I start making changes once something or someone is really pissing me off and I can’t deal with this crapola any longer. Then I get proactive and make changes and I can tell from my experience that usually things get a whole lot better after making and going through drastic changes. Making changes, leaving your comfort zone - all of that means that you have to challenge yourself and through challenging you can grow personally which is a big big bonus. Of course you can fall on your feet and it is very likely to happen in the beginnings but once you get back on your feet and do all the inner and outer work, then things turn around and change for the better. But staying stuck and in fear is certainly the thing that will make you feel even more miserable and crappy. This is not what we want right?

Looking at my friends, some leave their comfort zone and go through drastic changes in order to improve their life and to grow personally while others stay in the same crappy situation and do nothing except for complaining and feeling sorry for themselves. Staying stuck in an uncomfortable comfort zone is a no-brainer, it only causes misery and more misery and it is an utter act of self-sabotage. So it would be much better to turn things around, to take matters in your own hands, to become proactive and then big changes can happen. But nobody can do this for you if you are not willing to leave your little bubble of your uncomfortable comfort zone that won’t cause you any happiness anyways. If you are happy, that is good and then no change is required but if you are living a life where you feel stuck and constantly bitch about how awful everything is, then my friend it is time to getting out of Stuckville and to move on to new shores.

The Wellness Edition No.44 // The Comfort Zone (Phylleli Design Studio and Blog)

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