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Money is pouring into my life from all directions // affirmations

Money is pouring into my life from all directions // affirmations

You might have noticed that I am really into designing elegant graphics with affirmations lately. That makes me incredibly happy these days. And hooray, we even have great affirmations around money because like many others I also struggle with big money blocks that I started resolving a few months ago once I noticed that I have them. Hey, from now on I will design more affirmations that help us resolve our money blocks my friend, ok! How do you like that?!

Money is pouring into my life from all directions // affirmations // Phylleli Design Studio and Blog

So, let’s say this affirmation out loud together “money is pouring into my life from all directions”. And repeat it several times a day. I believe saying it out loud makes it more powerful. In the past I wrote my affirmations down in my calendar and notebook but I stopped doing this and instead say them out loud about two or three times a day, it is less of a hassle, even easier to do and it always lifts me up and puts me in a good mood.

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The Wellness Edition No. 43 // Gratitude

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