Design & Art blog

sleep is my drug

sleep is my drug

I love to sleep! Nothing makes me feel so good like a good night's sleep. Nothing makes me feel worse than a night without sleep or bad sleep. Even worse in the combination with alcohol, so therefore most nights I just drink tea or water and that really supports a good night sleep. Another helpful drink is milk with honey, in German we call it a 'Betthupferl' which is a small snack you eat or drink before going to bed. I think Betthupferl is quite a sweet word.

sleep is my drug // phylleli design studio

I am currently having a week off (my first week off this year, I really work way too much) and it feels sooooo good. Guess what I enjoy these days, sleeping a lot. Especially since the past two weeks had been very stressful and turbulent and I slept too little and most of the nights really bad as well. Therefore this week I solely focus on getting lots of sleep, rest and calories and oh boy it is so good for my wellbeing, I need more times like that. And I finally have some time to create, design, write, draw, paint - all of that makes me so happy. Let me create, sleep and eat a lot, and my soul is happy! It's oh so easy isn't it! The hardest part actually is to figure out what is good for you and what isn't, but as soon as you have figured out, you just have to follow your individual 'feel-good-script'. 


Botanical Pattern

Botanical Pattern

August // Sunday of Summer

August // Sunday of Summer